Newsletter n°9
We have contacted the associations we support that were most likely to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and have…
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We have contacted the associations we support that were most likely to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and have…
Une courte lettre d’information pour vous indiquer que notre Fondation d’Entreprise et notre Fonds de Dotation restent mobilisés pour soutenir…
It has been a busy year for our Endowment Fund and Corporate Foundation! We celebrated the 10th anniversary of the…
This sixth newsletter is packed full of information seeing as the semester has been extremely busy for both the Dominique…
Our Corporate Foundation and Endowment Fund are as busy as ever, with 4 projects supported this half-year and the effective…
It has been almost 6 years since the Institut Dominique & Tom Alberici Endowment Fund was set up! And almost…
Thanks to your donations, over the past 3 years the Institut Dominique & Tom Alberici Endowment Fund has extended the…
The Institut Dominique & Tom Alberici Endowment Fund extends Octalfa and its Corporate Foundation’s charity work thanks to donations from…
Grâce à vos dons et soutiens, nous remplissons les objectifs que nous nous sommes fixés : améliorer la qualité de…